The Book of Tomorrow is a novel by P.S. I Love You author Cecelia Ahern. It starts out as the usual rich-girl faced with unforeseen circumstances (father commits suicide, lost all their riches), moves with her mother to the middle of nowhere, dependent on the goodwill of family and then she finds a diary that tells her all about tomorrow. Of course the diary is in her handwriting and she goes through the whole “it’s impossible” denial phase until she experiences exactly what the diary predicted the following day. In the end she buries her diary, not needing its predictive powers after the story ends in a happily ever after.

Most of the book is fairly predictable though there are one or two twists that make this easy to read book worth the while.

So, what happens next?

Ester Pienaar

Book addict.

7/13/2011 08:41:40 pm

I believe she'll go get her diary sooner than anticipated. Once you've had a taste of that kind of power it's not that easy to let go.


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    Chick Lit
    Ghost Story
    Harry Potter
    Making Money
    The Book Of Tomorrow
    The Graveyard Book
    The Lost Symbol
    The Other Side Of The Story


    July 2011